Thursday, October 11, 2007

Kucinich in town!

I first heard of Dennis Kucinich when he vetoed the (anti) Patriot Bill in 2001 and knew he was a man to watch. I wrote to him back then endorsing his presidency, although he did not declare for another year.

Delighted when he did, I was a staunch supporter and pleased he stuck it out to the end. I saw him as a huge magnet, pulling the party to where it should be, and distressed by the lack of vision Americans hold.

I know of no other political figure with as much integrity, consistency and congruency. He and his wife were here this week in Albuquerque, and I got 2 spend 2 evenings with them. No police, no 1 mile footprint of protection, just a face to face dialog of what can be. Very inspiring and motivating. It shocks how people love him, but don't support him "because he can't win." Because he is not backed by the big guys - because he does not take money from the big guys - so he won't be beholden to the big guys- he is ignored. Because he "can't" win, people don't vote for him.

Remember, it takes votes more than money to win an election. And votes for Kucinich will change the party platform even if he is not elected. I urge everyone to try to hear this man of vision and possibility speak. Visit his website to know his positions on issues of interest to Americans as well as the world citizenry.

More than any other candidate, Kucinich embodies a global vision, where there are not a bunch of separate issues, but what is possible with a paradigm shift in this country. We could all prosper as well as save this increasingly fragile climate.

Vote for Kucinich!

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